Gravity Bridge


Proposal Details

Proposal #208


Proposal title

Decrease Gravity Bridge fees to 1 basis point

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #208 description

In order to better support Canto's Neo-Finance initiative, this proposal would decrease the bridge fee from 4 basis points to 1 basis points (Tx Value * 0.0001) on all MsgSendToEth transactions by changing the value of min_chain_fee_basis_points parameter to 1. This is in response to retain and attract Canto users who are using Gravity Bridge to explore the new Neo-Finance DeFi options on Canto. Future discussions are planned around making the base fee dynamic as the ecosystem matures.

Proposal #208 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
100,000 GRAV