Gravity Bridge


Proposal Details

Proposal #187


Proposal title

Enable Interchain Accounts Host module

Submit time

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Tally result


Proposal #187 description

With the recent Antares upgrade, Gravity Bridge has the opportunity to enable the Interchain Accounts Host module, which would let other connected blockchains control special accounts (Interchain Accounts) which live on Gravity Bridge.

Enabling the Interchain Accounts Host module would allow for some new use cases on Gravity Bridge, namely participating in Liquid Staking over IBC and allowing Cosmos-EVM chains to bridge to and from Ethereum without directly interacting with Gravity (i.e. signing all their transactions with MetaMask alone). Interchain Accounts is already at the core of many other features in Cosmos, and these are by no means the only use cases that Interchain Accounts could enable on Gravity.

This proposal, if accepted, would set two parameters on the Interchain Accounts Host module, enabling and whitelisting a number of message types for Interchain Accounts on Gravity. See the proposal contents for a full list of whitelisted messages.

Proposal #187 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
100,000 GRAV