Gravity Bridge


Proposal Details

Proposal #183


Proposal title

Antares Upgrade

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #183 description

Upgrade Cosmos SDK to 0.v45.16 and IBC v4.3.1 and integrate ICA Host module capability

This upgrade is primarily for IBC, upgrading IBC-go addresses the Huckleberry security advisory and also enables interchain accounts. Interchain Accounts (ICA) allows transactions to be executed on Gravity Bridge when a user sends an ICA message on another chain. Some example usecases for this include

  • Users can use ICA to send their bridge out tx without switching to a gravity RPC. In the case of all-metamask chains like Canto this means keplr could possibly be eliminated from the bridge out flow
  • Liquid staking, all current liquid staking providers use ICA to manage liquid staked tokens

Proposal #183 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
40,000 GRAV