Gravity Bridge


Proposal Details

Proposal #106


Proposal title

Increase minimum commission to 10%

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #106 description

This proposal, if passed, will increase the minimum validator commission from 5% to 10%. This proposal will not execute the change immediately, the commission change would take affect during the next chain upgrade using the mechanism designed for proposal #1 to modify the commission of all existing validators and prevent any new validator from setting their commission below 10%.

The goal of this change is to blunt the impact of lowered inflation on the Gravity Bridge validator community and help direct more of the chain fees passed in proposal #86 to validators to spend on operational expenses. Future governance proposals should revisit minimum commission and adjust up or down as needed based on chain and market conditions.

Proposal #106 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
10,000 GRAV