
Orderbook DEX

Proposal Details

Proposal #221


Proposal title

Emission change for 2nd year

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #221 description

Change in Emissions (Commonwealth Link)

In one of the fastest-moving industries, it is essential to be highly flexible to change, and thus we propose a revision of 2nd-year emissions to the following:

Liquidity ProviderMarket MakerBoostEcosystem ReserveTotal
1st year50%30%50%0108.7m CRE
2nd year(OLD)20%30%50%0216.1m CRE
2nd Year (Proposed)40%10%40%10%216.1m CRE
  • LP is still a large part of Crescent’s growth, and liquidity is necessary to launch new utilities. Hence LP incentives will be slightly decreased from current levels, but more than projected at genesis.
  • With the implementation of EVM or Cosmwasm imminent, we need incentives to be allocated to 3rd party apps, and the Ecosystem Reserve will serve this purpose (Spent through governance) (cre180s8gyjtqdczkxuk6xf0r2w3fyln59m6nuuyh8sw3v8kjvjzm0ks7e8jfe)
  • Boost is under the hood, to be revealed to our users soon. And trust us, Boostdrop is also a large part of the design, and long-time supporters of Crescent and its governance token will not be disappointed.

Upon sufficient discussion, a proposal for parameter change will be uploaded. If passed, the emissions for Year 2, starting on April 13th, will follow the new emissions plan.

Proposal #221 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
2,000 CRE